C L O U D ;

September 19
• Wednesday 18 September 2013 •
AUGUST♥ | via Facebook
As my age will turn into 20 soon, so i'm hoping to celebrate my one and only 20 age with someone that i love and have a crazy party. But it seems like, my birthday will never ever be the same as before .It is because i'm practical right now, and my friends seems too busy with their works. Even my love one is far away from me. I'm trying to not make my big day become dull, so i have a plan to enjoy myself on that day. Here are my checklist :
i)     Wear as pretty as possible ( with contact lens , wear a shawl that i comfortable and doesn't mess up my look)
ii)     Eat at Baskin Robbin 
iii)     Watch a movie ( since i can't day off, so i'm gonna watch it on the evening or night )
iv)     Buy a present for myself.
Should i say tomorrow is my worse day? hurmm.. I don't know ..
Thats all for today. Sorry if my sentences is bad. Still learning. 


Blogger Unknown said...

ouh.. happy birthday !
nice background music btw :)

18 September 2013 at 09:04  
Blogger Nasya Farhana said...

thank u.. ^^ hahha.. sorry late reply.

29 September 2013 at 08:32  

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Thank you sebab baca.

Crazy Fan;

My friends call me Nasya. Currently I'm a part time blogger. I love watching chinese drama (recommended only). I'm simple person with complicated mind. This is my place to talk about my studies, my favourite moments and my lifestyle.

XOXO Nasya Farhana.



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  • Credits more;

    Edit :N.Afiqah
    Re-Edit :Nasya
    Basecode :Masterly_elmo
    Tutorial : Afiqah Wana Atiqah
    Pictures : We Heart It
    Best View : Google Chrome